Using the Library Catalog
Tuesday, September 6 at 1 pm on Zoom
The catalog is the gateway to all of the wonderful resources available through the Library. In this short workshop, we’ll look at how to use the catalog to search for books and ebooks, request a book from another library (interlibrary loan), find course reserve materials, review your account, and more.
Researching with Databases
Thursday, September 8 at 1 pm on Zoom
Databases are an essential resource for your research. In this workshop, we’ll look at how to find and access the many databases available to you through the Library. We’ll cover how to select relevant databases, how to search for articles, how to download articles, and more.
PubMed/MeSH Terms
Tuesday, September 13 at 1 pm on Zoom
Are you looking for sources for your research on health, biomedical, or psychology topics? PubMed is the world’s largest biomedical database, with more than 33 million citations from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. It houses research from the United States and over 80 countries and is updated daily. Join us to learn the ins and outs of finding information in PubMed, including using MeSH (medical subject heading) terms. You’ll be searching like a pro in no time!
Using Zotero for Research Management
Thursday, September 15 at 1 pm on Zoom
Citation is often a time-consuming part of the research process. Zotero can make it easier by automatically creating complete reference lists, creating in-text citations, and storing your sources in one place. Join us to learn more about how to use this free citation manager.