Introduction from President Judd
It is my pleasure to introduce Linda Earley Chastang, both to honor her as part of our Commencement exercises and to have her share a few words with you.
Linda is an esteemed attorney and the president and CEO of the John and Lillian Miles Lewis Foundation. A 1974 graduate of Sarah Lawrence College, she went on to earn a JD from Howard University and an LLM from Emory University.
In 1982, at age 27, Linda was the youngest, the only female, and the first Black faculty member at Georgia State College of Law. Later, she became General Counsel in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s (NAACP) Washington office before going on to serve as Congressman John Lewis’ Chief of Staff, Counsel, and Associate Staff on the Ways and Means Committee. Today, in her role at the John and Lillian Miles Lewis Foundation, Linda is continuing her lifelong dedication to creating a more equitable world for all.
Linda, I now ask you to join me at the podium.
Linda Earley Chastang, in recognition of your work and the spirit in which you do it, be it resolved that the Board of Trustees of Sarah Lawrence College commends you on the occasion of the 95th Commencement of the College and does hereby confer upon you, by authority of the Board of Regents of the State of New York, the degree Doctor of Laws (LL.D), honoris causa, with all of the rights and privileges thereunto appertaining.
Honorary Degree Recipient: Linda Earley Chastang ’74
When we think of Sarah Lawrence College, we think “creatives,” “creators,” “create.”
We think dance, music, literature. None of which is my forte.
But, Sarah Lawrence did teach me to create—to think broadly, to embrace diversity, to learn from and engage with diverse points of view, to be original in my analysis, to be inventive in finding solutions, to ask questions, to be honest in my answers… to go from an idea to a thing with confidence.
So while I don’t dance, I can’t sing, I have never played the piano, and my one great novel is yet to come… I am a creative.
In my career, I have created programs, organizations, policies, solutions, and laws. In my life, I have created an extraordinary network of good friends, a wonderful family, and a good life.
I thank Sarah Lawrence—and my parents, who knew Sarah Lawrence was the right place for me, and encouraged and supported me—for teaching me to create, for giving me the confidence to create, and for making it possible for me to stand here today and call myself a “creative.”
There is no greater privilege or tribute than to be recognized by your alma mater. (They knew you when.)
I am humbled. I am happy. I am honored. Thank you.
Remarks as prepared for delivery