Katherine Moos

BA, Sarah Lawrence College. MA, New School for Social Research. PhD (expected 2017), New School for Social Research. Recipient of the Eberstadt Prize Fellowship (2014-2017), the Schwartz Research Fellowship (2013-2014), and the Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship (2007-2008). Current research focuses on the political economy of the welfare state, theories of economic policy, industrial organization, and macroeconomics. Prior to beginning work on her PhD, she worked for a number of nonprofit advocacy organization focused on domestic poverty and the US safety net. She also teaches undergraduate economics courses at Sarah Lawrence College. SLC, 2015—

Previous Courses

MA Health Advocacy

Economics of Health

Graduate Seminar—Spring

This course will examine many of the major issues facing the American health care system from a variety of economic perspectives. A wide range of topics will be covered, from the racial and economic disparities in health outcomes to the Patient Protection Act and alternative modes of financing of the medical care delivery system. Students will learn how the tools and analytic approaches used by economists can enhance the understanding of major public-health issues such as AIDS, reproductive care, and mental health, as well as key health care financing issues such as the rising cost of health care and our fragmented insurance system.
