A year-long exploration of our inaugural theme—Democracy and Education—in conjunction with the arrival of our 11th president, Cristle Collins Judd.
Democracy and Education: Join the Conversation

Sarah Lawrence College has a history of confronting difficult issues that challenge our society as a whole. John Dewey’s landmark book from 1916, Democracy and Education, serves as our catalyst to ask, through a series of yearlong events, What does “democracy and education” mean in 2017?
Inaugural Year Events

Events throughout the inaugural year will explore the theme "Democracy and Education" from a variety of vantage points, helping us gain a greater understanding of Sarah Lawrence’s past and present as we chart its future and, along with it, the future of American higher education.
Inauguration Ceremony

Dr. Cristle Collins Judd was inaugurated as the 11th president of Sarah Lawrence College on Friday, October 6, 2017.
Inaugural Symposium

The inaugural symposium—held on Friday, October 6, 2017—kicked off a yearlong series of events engaging the inaugural theme, Democracy and Education.
President Cristle Collins Judd

Dr. Cristle Collins Judd is Sarah Lawrence College's 11th president. An award-winning teacher and scholar, an experienced administrator, and an accomplished leader, she is poised to lead Sarah Lawrence—and higher education—into the future.