Student Newspaper Archives

The Sarah Lawrence College student newspaper is invaluable as a window into student life at the College. The following years are digitized, available in PDF format, and are keyword searchable. As issues are digitized, they will become available here.
- May 1930 through May 1997 (Note: all available issues are included)
- Two single issues from October 2003 and October 2012
- October 2011 through April 2012
Documenting the Student Experience of COVID-19

Digital Commons

Digital Commons @ Sarah Lawrence is an online institutional repository maintained by the Sarah Lawrence College Library. It provides access to the scholarly, educational, and creative works of the Sarah Lawrence College community.
Student War Board Scrapbook, 1942-1946

The Sarah Lawrence College Student War Board Scrapbook, 1942-1946 offers a representative collection of documents, newspaper clippings and photographs related to the Sarah Lawrence College war effort during World War II, particularly the war work of the students. The scrapbook was created by the Student War Board in the Spring of 1945 and was made available for students to peruse after the war ended.
Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonials (Yale University)

The Sarah Lawrence College Archives is a partner site for the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonials at Yale University. As a partner site, all visiting researchers may access the online testimonials onsite, and current students, faculty, and staff may access the testimonials both on campus and remotely. The Fortunoff Archive holds over 4,400 video testimonies of Holocaust survivors.
Image: Inauguration of the Video Archive at Yale in 1982 | Credit: Fortunoff Video Archive