Molly Quinn

Undergraduate Courses 2022-2023


Studio Class


This is a beginning course in basic vocal technique. Each student’s vocal needs are met within the structure and content of the class.


Previous Courses


Seminar in Vocal Performance: Self-Discovery Through Preparation and Performance


In this semester, singers will explore methods for musical preparation and performance. The radical transition from practice room to live performance or audition is a critical leap that all performers must take. As singers, this transition is particularly critical because our bodies are our instruments. Performance anxiety or stage fright is a multiheaded beast that we need to address. This class will focus on unlocking preparatory and performance techniques that include journaling, score preparation, memorization work, mindfulness, and the foundations of vocal health. Students interested in taking this course should be prepared to sing in class for others, prepare music excerpts specifically to this course, and be willing to listen openheartedly and discerningly to their fellow students.


Seminar in Vocal Performance: Vocal Repertoire, Developing Collaborative Skills for Rehearsal and Performance


In this semester, students will learn about vocal repertoire for solo voice, duets, and small groups from a wide range of styles and time periods. Vocal music is inherently collaborative, but how do singers learn to advocate for themselves or speak coherently about their musical choices in a rehearsal setting—or perhaps lead a rehearsal, if asked to do so? This class will not only provide an engaging view of vocal music from the High Middle Ages to the 21st century but will also prepare students to communicate their expressive and musical ideas within the rehearsal setting. Students interested in taking this course should be prepared to sing in class for others, prepare solo and small ensemble excerpts with fellow class members, and be willing to listen openheartedly and discerningly to their fellow students.


Studio Class


The Studio Class is a beginning course in basic vocal technique. Each student’s vocal needs are met within the structure and content of the class.
